Addiction and Recovery Treatment Services
In response to a local and national opioid epidemic, Virginia Medicaid implemented the Addiction Recovery Treatment Services (ARTS) program in April 2017 to increase access to treatment for Medicaid members with opioid and other substance use disorders.
Our evaluation's goal is to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the impacts of the ARTS program by analyzing changes in addiction treatment access, utilization and costs. Public reports and policy briefs are available below.
August 2018
March 2018
Many buprenorphine users receive no other services for addiction disorders
January 2018
Extending Postpartum Coverage in Virginia
There is broad agreement among researchers, providers, and policymakers that extending eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP enrolled pregnant women from 60 days postpartum to 12 months postpartum is an important step toward improving maternal health outcomes. In July 2022, Virginia extended coverage for postpartum individuals in Medicaid and CHIP with income below 205 percent of the Federal Poverty Level for a total of 12 months.
The overarching goals of this demonstration are to improve continuity of coverage, increase access to medical and behavioral health care services, reduce maternal and infant mortality and morbidity, and advance health equity.
Medicaid Expansion in Virginia
Virginia expanded Medicaid eligibility in January 2019, and currently more than 700,000 adults are newly enrolled in Medicaid.
Our Medicaid expansion evaluation aims to assess the impact of Virginia's expansion of Medicaid on enrollment, utilization and health outcomes of its members. Public reports and policy briefs are available below.
Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus
Virginia implemented the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC+) program in August 2017 to serve Medicaid members with complex care needs.
Our goal is to assess the impacts of CCC+ on Medicaid members, patient satisfaction and the overall costs of services to Virginia’s Medicaid program. The ultimate goal is to rebalance the care provided in the community relative to nursing homes, thereby reducing the number of Medicaid members with complex care needs who reside in or are admitted to nursing homes.
Public reports and policy briefs are available below.
Virginia Policy
From 2013-19, the Department of Health Behavior and Policy evaluated programs and policies related to issues and disparities in health and healthcare across Virginia.